Cannot destroy model in microk8s cloud


I deployed a microk8s model in prodstack6, and added it as a cloud on the Juju controller.

Then I added the model “metallb” which is connected to the microk8s cloud. Due to some errors, I had to delete the microk8s model, which is resulting in failure when removing the microk8s cloud and the metallb model, because the metallb model still points to the old microk8s endpoint. I changed the cloud configuration manually, to point the cloud to a new microk8s endpoint, however it shows the below errors:

controller-0: 06:35:35 ERROR juju.worker.undertaker destroy environ failed: process destroy environ: creating environ for model "metallb" (92d30971-4cfe-490c-82a7-6b6bad10eb4c): unable to determine legacy status for namespace "metallb": Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority (possibly because of "crypto/rsa: verification error" while trying to verify candidate authority certificate "")

All I am trying to do is to destroy the model/cloud, but it seems it is stuck here with those repetitive errors, any help?