So I wanted to ask you, what should I really do? and if it is necessary to give a hostname to the pod?
It is not necessary to give a Pod a DNS entry. The Service object is used to provide a stable point of access for deployments/pods as pods are by nature temporary. Here’s a good run down of how to expose applications, link
I am facing same issue that my replica-set based Windows application deployment is unable to initialize application as pods are unable to resolve their own hostnames internally. As per my analysis the problem lies with setting Pod name as NetBIOS name; but as a NETBIOS name can be maximum 15 characters long where as PODS names are always longer than 15 so it never have same NetBIOS.domain name based DNS entry. I am unable to identify setting using which I can restrict length of Replica-set pods to 15 character. Any suggestion?
I do have windows based cluster and I can’t resolve pods DNS names configured in pod hostnames.
Have you solve this issue?