Internal IP of k8s worker node Vs External IP Vs Node Name

I was wondering which identifier is the best to use for monitoring and troubleshooting the K8S worker node and also for monitoring applications.

Any ideas?


Hi, kodar
I think that for monitor kubernetes cluster and any Node worker and pods is perfect EFK Stack or graylog server (for logs and traffic) & weave scope for everything.

To monitor kubernetes you can use Prometheus/grafana stack that’s the tooling that come with openshit and is considered a good monitoring stack. There are several other target specific tools that you can use and at the risk of being biased you can give sosivio a try I’d love to hear feedback :wink:

I am already using Prometheus as a monitoring tool but I was looking for the correct label that helps me in troubleshooting.

Which one is better among the below identifiers?

  1. Internal IP of k8s worker node
  2. External IP of k8s worker node
  3. Node Name

the one that should stay static (unless you change it manually) is the node hostname, I would use that.

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