Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: v1.31.0
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method: Kubeadm
Host OS: Ubuntu 20.1
CNI and version: v3.24.1
CRI and version: 0.3.1
I’m unable to install kubelet service on Windows, below is the C:\var\lib\kubelet\config.yaml
kind: KubeletConfiguration
enabled: false
cacheTTL: 0s
enabled: false
clientCAFile: "c:\\etc\\kubernetes\\pki\\ca.crt"
authorization-mode: "AlwaysAllow"
cgroupDriver: none
clusterDomain: cluster.local
podSandboxImage: ""
cpuCFSQuota: true
featureGates: {}
cpu: "100m"
memory: "200Mi"
ephemeral-storage: "1Gi"
memory.available: "200Mi"
nodefs.available: "10%"
nodefs.inodesFree: "5%"
tlsCertFile: "C:\\var\\lib\\kubelet\\pki\\kubelet.crt"
tlsPrivateKeyFile: "C:\\var\\lib\\kubelet\\pki\\kubelet.key"
kubelet error log is as below
I1128 08:45:45.806765 7360 codec.go:100] "Using lenient decoding as strict decoding failed" err="strict decoding error: unknown field \"authorization-mode\", unknown field \"podSandboxImage\""
W1128 08:45:45.809342 7360 validation_windows.go:36] ignored configuration option: CgroupsPerQOS (--cgroups-per-qos) true is not supported on Windows
W1128 08:45:45.809651 7360 validation_windows.go:41] ignored configuration option: EnforceNodeAllocatable (--enforce-node-allocatable) [pods] is not supported on Windows
I1128 08:45:45.820824 7360 server_windows.go:40] "Kubelet is running as" login name="NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" dispaly name="SYSTEM"
I1128 08:45:45.824481 7360 server.go:486] "Kubelet version" kubeletVersion="v1.31.0"
I1128 08:45:45.824481 7360 server.go:488] "Golang settings" GOGC="" GOMAXPROCS="" GOTRACEBACK=""
I1128 08:45:45.824481 7360 init_windows.go:82] "Creating a Windows job object and adding kubelet process to it" windowsPriorityClass="NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"
W1128 08:45:45.824481 7360 validation_windows.go:36] ignored configuration option: CgroupsPerQOS (--cgroups-per-qos) true is not supported on Windows
W1128 08:45:45.824481 7360 validation_windows.go:41] ignored configuration option: EnforceNodeAllocatable (--enforce-node-allocatable) [pods] is not supported on Windows
I1128 08:45:45.825685 7360 server.go:649] "Standalone mode, no API client"
E1128 08:45:45.825899 7360 run.go:72] "command failed" err="failed to run Kubelet: no client provided, cannot use webhook authorization"
I1128 08:45:51.351755 8436 codec.go:100] "Using lenient decoding as strict decoding failed" err="strict decoding error: unknown field \"authorization-mode\", unknown field \"podSandboxImage\""
W1128 08:45:51.351755 8436 validation_windows.go:36] ignored configuration option: CgroupsPerQOS (--cgroups-per-qos) true is not supported on Windows
W1128 08:45:51.351755 8436 validation_windows.go:41] ignored configuration option: EnforceNodeAllocatable (--enforce-node-allocatable) [pods] is not supported on Windows
I1128 08:45:51.364229 8436 server_windows.go:40] "Kubelet is running as" login name="NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM" dispaly name="SYSTEM"
I1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 server.go:486] "Kubelet version" kubeletVersion="v1.31.0"
I1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 server.go:488] "Golang settings" GOGC="" GOMAXPROCS="" GOTRACEBACK=""
I1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 init_windows.go:82] "Creating a Windows job object and adding kubelet process to it" windowsPriorityClass="NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS"
W1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 validation_windows.go:36] ignored configuration option: CgroupsPerQOS (--cgroups-per-qos) true is not supported on Windows
W1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 validation_windows.go:41] ignored configuration option: EnforceNodeAllocatable (--enforce-node-allocatable) [pods] is not supported on Windows
I1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 server.go:649] "Standalone mode, no API client"
E1128 08:45:51.369910 8436 run.go:72] "command failed" err="failed to run Kubelet: no client provided, cannot use webhook authorization"
Help me on the issue.