Add a node to cluster with Flannel : ERROR "cannot join network of a non running container"

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.15.0
Cloud being used: Google Cloud
Installation method:
Host OS:
CNI and version: Flannel v0.11.0
CRI and version:


I am adding a node to the Kubernetes cluster as a node using flannel. Here are the nodes on my cluster:
kubectl get nodes

NAME              STATUS     ROLES    AGE    VERSION
jetson-80         NotReady   <none>   167m   v1.15.0
p4                Ready      master   18d    v1.15.0

This machine is reachable through the same network. When joining the cluster, Kubernetes pulls some images, among others, but for some reason failed in pulling the images:

Warning  FailedCreatePodSandBox  15d                 
kubelet,jetson-81  Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed pulling image "": Error response from daemon: Get read tcp> read: connection reset by peer

The machine is connected to the internet but only wget command works, not ping

How I tried to solve it

I tried to pull images elsewhere and copy them to the machine.

REPOSITORY                                               TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE                                    v1.15.0             d235b23c3570        2 months ago        82.4MB                                   v0.11.0-arm64       32ffa9fadfd7        6 months ago        53.5MB                                         3.1                 da86e6ba6ca1        20 months ago       742kB

Here are the list of pods on the master :

NAME                              READY   STATUS                  RESTARTS   AGE
coredns-5c98db65d4-gmsz7          1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
coredns-5c98db65d4-j6gz5          1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
etcd-p4                           1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
kube-apiserver-p4                 1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
kube-controller-manager-p4        1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
kube-flannel-ds-amd64-cq7kz       1/1     Running                 9          17d
kube-flannel-ds-arm64-4s7kk       0/1     Init:CrashLoopBackOff   0          2m8s
kube-proxy-l2slz                  0/1     CrashLoopBackOff        4          2m8s
kube-proxy-q6db8                  1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
kube-scheduler-p4                 1/1     Running                 0          2d22h
tiller-deploy-5d6cc99fc-rwdrl     1/1     Running                 1          17d

but it didn’t work either when I check the associated flannel pod kube-flannel-ds-arm64-4s7kk:

  Type     Reason          Age                            From                      Message
  ----     ------          ----                           ----                      -------
  Normal   Scheduled       66s                            default-scheduler         Successfully assigned kube-system/kube-flannel-ds-arm64-4s7kk to jetson-80
  Warning  Failed          <invalid>                      kubelet, jetson-80        Error: failed to start container "install-cni": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: 68ffc44cf8cd655234691b0362615f97c59d285bec790af40f890510f27ba298
  Warning  Failed          <invalid>                      kubelet, jetson-80        Error: failed to start container "install-cni": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: a196d8540b68dc7fcd97b0cda1e2f3183d1410598b6151c191b43602ac2faf8e
  Warning  Failed          <invalid>                      kubelet, jetson-80        Error: failed to start container "install-cni": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: 9d05d1fcb54f5388ca7e64d1b6627b05d52aea270114b5a418e8911650893bc6
  Warning  Failed          <invalid>                      kubelet, jetson-80        Error: failed to start container "install-cni": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: 5b730961cddf5cc3fb2af564b1abb46b086073d562bb2023018cd66fc5e96ce7
  Normal   Created         <invalid> (x5 over <invalid>)  kubelet, jetson-80        Created container install-cni
  Warning  Failed          <invalid>                      kubelet, jetson-80        Error: failed to start container "install-cni": Error response from daemon: cannot join network of a non running container: 1767e9eb9198969329eaa14a71a110212d6622a8b9844137ac5b247cb9e90292
  Normal   SandboxChanged  <invalid> (x5 over <invalid>)  kubelet, jetson-80        Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
  Warning  BackOff         <invalid> (x4 over <invalid>)  kubelet, jetson-80        Back-off restarting failed container
  Normal   Pulled          <invalid> (x6 over <invalid>)  kubelet, jetson-80        Container image "" already present on machine

I still can’t identify if it’s a Kubernetes or Flannel issue and haven’t been able to solve it despite multiple attempts. Please let me know if you need me to share more details