Let’s meet at KubeCon to talk about all-things-AWS! From kops to EKS, and anything related, e.g. AppMesh, networking, security.
Please register your interest below, we will share more info once we have clearer idea of how many folks are interested.
Let’s meet at KubeCon to talk about all-things-AWS! From kops to EKS, and anything related, e.g. AppMesh, networking, security.
Please register your interest below, we will share more info once we have clearer idea of how many folks are interested.
Definitely interested, probably myself + 1 joining if nothing more important pop up.
+1 I’m interested as well
Yay! I’ll be around as well
Great idea @errordeveloper. I’m definitely interested in this. AWS has a free event Monday afternoon we could think about doing it later that night… or maybe it’s better later in the week when more folks are in town.
If anyone is also interested in the Monday event - https://pages.awscloud.com/containers-day-2019-barcelona.html
+1 I’m interested as well
We (Zalando) would be interested as well. We maintain External DNS, kube-ingress-aws-controller, kube-metrics-adapter and Mikkel created kube-aws-iam-controller (to replace kube2iam) — so these would be natural topics for us to talk about. Also interesting for us: using EC2 Spot and autoscaler (we have a fork for it).
I’m definitely interested as well
Great idea! In!
Another +1. Do a doodle for the day and time perhaps?
I’m interested
I’m interested.
+1 interested
Just as an FYI to first time posters. The spam filter kicks in with a first post that is a very short messages. We’re approving them anytime we see them come in, but there may be a slight delay in seeing them appear in the thread.
+1 interested
+1 I’m interested
+1 interested
+1 interested
+1 interested
UPDATE: We have a room now, go ahead and sign-up!