Custom Node OS for minions

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version:
Cloud being used: GCP
Installation method: Kubernete Engine
Host OS: COS
CNI and version:
CRI and version:

Hi, I am working on a project where my application runs in a docker container and deployment of the container is managed by the kubernetes on a cluster. The problem is that, the docker image is very big in size that every time cluster scales, the user needs to wait at least 5 minutes in order to start the application. The solution which I am trying right now involves creating a custom OS image of with docker installed and required image pulled in the OS. Now, I want to set this image as the default image of the minion whenever scaling is triggered. However, I could not able to find a option in kubernetes engine to change it my custom image.

Please help and It will be really great if you can give me some suggestion for my current problem.

I don’t think you can tune that on GKE (but never really used GKE :-/)

Where are you downloading the image from? Google docker registry or from other, over the internet, server?

If you are using GCE, probably Google registry is the fastest you can get.

How big is the image? What network connection do your instances have? How much is it taking to download it?