Define a Group of Hosts in a Kubernetes Cluster

Hi, I have a beginner question about using Hosts in a Kubernetes Cluster to dedicated Apps. I would use my hardware as optimally as possible. I have a cluster of 5 hosts. 2 of the hosts are specialized for graphically appealing applications with a good coonection to a video server. Therefore, I would summarize these two hosts to use them just for the graphics applications. Do you have an idea how I could realize that? Is namespace an important catchword for a googlesearch? What is the best practice to group hosts for special usecases ?
Thanks! I’m curious about your input :slight_smile:
Greetings, Flo

You can use a node selector for this. Check this out - Assigning Pods to Nodes | Kubernetes .

Basically, nodes can be labeled, and then a constant (node selector) can be put on the pod such that it will only schedule on an appropriately labeled node.

Hope this help.