I create a Namespace
on a kube cluster and install my app within that Namespace. The app sends regular heartbeat requests to the server and if it gets a “remove yourself” response from the server, it deletes itself by calling delete on the entire kube Namespace. I also give the app cluster wide access by creating a ClusterRoleBinding
, making a ServiceAccount
subject to the ClusterRoleBinding
and running the pod with this ServiceAccount
The problem is that I want to remove the ClusterRoleBinding
as part of app’s self removal process (if that’s possible). If I remove the ClusterRoleBinding
before then the app won’t be able to issue a delete on the Namespace
so it seems like a chicken-and-egg problem. Is there a way to do this?
This is what I have already tried to to avail:
Added a PreStop handler in the app container. So now when the app calls delete on the entire Namespace, kube calls this handler before killing the container. In this PreStop handler if I sleep for more than 5 sec before calling delete on
I get “Unauthorized” response back from kubernetes. -
This lead me to think that maybe the
that’s linked to theClusterRoleBinding
gets deleted before the app has had a chance to delete theClusterRoleBinding
in the PreStop handler. So to test this, before issuing delete on the Namespace I add a finalizer to theServiceAccount
, then in the PreStop handler I wait for 5 sec, issue delete on theClusterRoleBinding
(again get “Unauthorized” error back), then I get theServiceAccount
object by name (get “Unauthorized” error back), remove the finalizer from theServiceAccount
(get error "error=“finalizer doesn’t exist for object ‘’”) because it can’t remove the finalizer on an empty object.
When I use kubectl I find that the ServiceAccount
exists but is in “Terminating” state as expected with the finalizer still set.
Does kube revoke access when ServiceAccount
is in "Terminating"
state even though its not yet hard deleted?
Is there a way to remove the ClusterRoleBinding
and the Namespace
from the same process that is running in the Namespace
that needs to be deleted?
Any help would be much appreciated!
The YAML definitions for ClusterRoleBinding and ServiceAccounts are as below:
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
creationTimestamp: null
name: xyz-myapp-cluster-admin
apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
kind: ClusterRole
name: cluster-admin
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: xyz
namespace: xyz-myapp
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
creationTimestamp: null
name: xyz
namespace: xyz-myapp
Relevant application logs:
time="2020-02-18T16:08:33Z" level=info msg="App instructed to remove itself"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:33Z" level=info msg="Created finalizer 'xyz.myapp.com/my-finalizer' on ServiceAccount"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:33Z" level=info msg="Called delete on Namespace"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:38Z" level=info msg="PreStop handler called"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:38Z" level=info msg="----- sleeping for 5 sec -----"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:43Z" level=info msg="Deleting ClusterRoleBinding"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:43Z" level=warning msg="Failed to delete ClusterRoleBinding" error="Unexpected error removing dmt ClusterRolebinding: Unauthorized"
time="2020-02-18T16:08:43Z" level=warning msg="Failed to get ServiceAccount" error=Unauthorized
time="2020-02-18T16:08:43Z" level=warning msg="Failed to remove finalizer from ServiceAccount"
error="finalizer 'xyz.myapp.com/my-finalizer' doesn't exist for object ''"