Deployment failing on kubernetes with terraform (the server could not find the requested resource)

I am trying to deploy our created docker image using terrafrom on local kubernetes (k3s). Also creating a service using nginx_ingress. While doing terraform apply getting error. Whatever information I have searched on net it looks like versioning issue but my kuberenetes version is up to date. Terrafrom version is also fine. Please help me to resolve this issue.
Error details are as below -

$ terraform apply --auto-approve
kubernetes_deployment.eve-statedb-deploy: Creating...
kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler.eve-statedb-hpa: Creating...
kubernetes_secret.eve-statedb-config: Creating...
kubernetes_secret.ghcr-cred: Creating...
Error: the server could not find the requested resource (post secrets)
Error: Failed to create deployment: the server could not find the requested resource (post deployments.apps)
Error: the server could not find the requested resource (post secrets)
Error: the server could not find the requested resource (post horizontalpodautoscalers.autoscaling)

Cluster information:

Kubernetes(using k3s for k8s set up) and terraform version:

$ sudo kubectl version  --short

Client Version: v1.20.0+k3s2
Server Version: v1.20.0+k3s2

$ terraform --version
Terraform v0.13.6
+ provider v2.0.1

One reason this type of error happens is if the API group of the Kubernetes objects is that is not recognizable in your cluster. For instance, if your Deployment YAML is using extensions/v1beta1 and if the cluster does not recognize Deployment to be part of extensions API group then this issue will happen.

Run ‘kubectl api-resources’ to find out what API groups exist for various resources in your cluster. Then update your YAML manifests to use those api groups (e.g.: use apps/v1 for Deployment instead of extensions/v1beta1, etc.)

Thanks for the swift reply. In my deployment yaml, already included right api version “apiVersion: apps/v1”. I am new to terraform but as per my knowledge terraform will not use the existing deployment yaml. We need to configure it in “.tf” file like below

resource "kubernetes_deployment" "sample-statedb-deploy" {
  metadata {
    name = "sample-statedb-deploy"
    labels = {
      app = "sample-statedb"

  spec {
    replicas = 1

    selector {
      match_labels = {
        app = "sample-statedb"

    template {
      metadata {
        labels = {
          app = "sample-statedb"

      spec {
        container {
          image             = "statedb-sample-docker:dev-0.0.4"
          name              = "sample-statedb"
          image_pull_policy = "Always"

          port {
            container_port = 5000

          lifecycle {
            pre_stop {
              exec {
                command = [ "/bin/bash",  "-c", "./ remove --token $(curl -sS --request POST --url \"$${ORG_CODE}/actions/sample-statedbs/remove-token\" --header \"authorization: Bearer $${SVC_TOKEN}\"  --header \"content-type: application/json\" | jq -r .token)" ]

          resources {
            requests = {
              cpu    = "500m"
              memory = "1024Mi"
            limits = {
              cpu    = "1"
              memory = "2048Mi"
          env {
            name = "SVC_TOKEN" 
              value_from {
                secret_key_ref {
                  name = "sample-statedb-config"
                  key  = "svc-token"  
          env {
            name = "ORG_CODE" 
              value_from {
                secret_key_ref {
                  name = "sample-statedb-config"
                  key  = "org-code"
        image_pull_secrets {
          name = "img-cred"
resource "kubernetes_horizontal_pod_autoscaler" "sample-statedb-hpa" {
  metadata {
    name = "sample-statedb-hpa"

  spec {
    max_replicas = 4
    min_replicas = 1

    scale_target_ref {
      kind = "Deployment"
      name = "sample-statedb-deploy"
    target_cpu_utilization_percentage = 75

resource "kubernetes_service" "sample-statedb" {
  metadata {
    name = "sample-api-service"
  spec {
    selector = {
      App = kubernetes_deployment.sample-statedb-deploy.metadata[0]
    port {
      port        = 5000
      target_port = 5000

    type = "LoadBalancer"

output "lb_ip" {
  value = kubernetes_service.sample-statedb.status[0].load_balancer[0].ingress[0].ip

Output of kubectl api-resource :

$ sudo kubectl api-resources
NAME                              SHORTNAMES   APIVERSION                             NAMESPACED   KIND
bindings                                       v1                                     true         Binding
componentstatuses                 cs           v1                                     false        ComponentStatus
configmaps                        cm           v1                                     true         ConfigMap
endpoints                         ep           v1                                     true         Endpoints
events                            ev           v1                                     true         Event
limitranges                       limits       v1                                     true         LimitRange
namespaces                        ns           v1                                     false        Namespace
nodes                             no           v1                                     false        Node
persistentvolumeclaims            pvc          v1                                     true         PersistentVolumeClaim
persistentvolumes                 pv           v1                                     false        PersistentVolume
pods                              po           v1                                     true         Pod
podtemplates                                   v1                                     true         PodTemplate
replicationcontrollers            rc           v1                                     true         ReplicationController
resourcequotas                    quota        v1                                     true         ResourceQuota
secrets                                        v1                                     true         Secret
serviceaccounts                   sa           v1                                     true         ServiceAccount
services                          svc          v1                                     true         Service
mutatingwebhookconfigurations                false        MutatingWebhookConfiguration
validatingwebhookconfigurations              false        ValidatingWebhookConfiguration
customresourcedefinitions         crd,crds                false        CustomResourceDefinition
apiservices                                        false        APIService
controllerrevisions                            apps/v1                                true         ControllerRevision
daemonsets                        ds           apps/v1                                true         DaemonSet
deployments                       deploy       apps/v1                                true         Deployment
replicasets                       rs           apps/v1                                true         ReplicaSet
statefulsets                      sts          apps/v1                                true         StatefulSet
tokenreviews                                        false        TokenReview
localsubjectaccessreviews                            true         LocalSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectaccessreviews                             false        SelfSubjectAccessReview
selfsubjectrulesreviews                              false        SelfSubjectRulesReview
subjectaccessreviews                                 false        SubjectAccessReview
horizontalpodautoscalers          hpa          autoscaling/v1                         true         HorizontalPodAutoscaler
cronjobs                          cj           batch/v1beta1                          true         CronJob
jobs                                           batch/v1                               true         Job
certificatesigningrequests        csr                 false        CertificateSigningRequest
leases                                                true         Lease
endpointslices                                      true         EndpointSlice
events                            ev                        true         Event
ingresses                         ing          extensions/v1beta1                     true         Ingress
flowschemas                             false        FlowSchema
prioritylevelconfigurations             false        PriorityLevelConfiguration
helmchartconfigs                                           true         HelmChartConfig
helmcharts                                                 true         HelmChart
addons                                                      true         Addon
nodes                                                 false        NodeMetrics
pods                                                  true         PodMetrics
ingressclasses                                          false        IngressClass
ingresses                         ing                   true         Ingress
networkpolicies                   netpol                   true         NetworkPolicy
runtimeclasses                                                false        RuntimeClass
poddisruptionbudgets              pdb          policy/v1beta1                         true         PodDisruptionBudget
podsecuritypolicies               psp          policy/v1beta1                         false        PodSecurityPolicy
clusterrolebindings                             false        ClusterRoleBinding
clusterroles                                    false        ClusterRole
rolebindings                                    true         RoleBinding
roles                                           true         Role
priorityclasses                   pc                    false        PriorityClass
csidrivers                                                 false        CSIDriver
csinodes                                                   false        CSINode
storageclasses                    sc                       false        StorageClass
volumeattachments                                          false        VolumeAttachment

I don’t know what api version is Terraform generating for the resources. I hear that there is a ‘dry run’ option for Terraform. Try that to see if it gives a clue.
If not, I would suggest checking on Terraform forums as this issue is most likely because the apiVersion of the k8s objects that Terraform is generating is not present on your cluster.

Just to verify that is the case try these two things:

  • try doing a deployment directly with extensions/v1beta1 as apiVersion.
  • try using a different cluster in which extensions/v1beta is present (older k8s version) and use that with your terraform template above.

Could you please check if kubernetes provider is given, mentioned Like below:

provider “kubernetes” {
host = hostsinfo
client_certificate = base64decode(hostcertificate)
client_key = base64decode(hostskey)
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(hostclientcertificate)
you will get all info from ~/.kube/config

Hi guys I am getting the same error could you please help me to resolve it.


I had similar problem and it took me a bit of time to realize what was missing. I had the
provider “kubernetes” {
host = hostsinfo
client_certificate = base64decode(hostcertificate)
client_key = base64decode(hostskey)
cluster_ca_certificate = base64decode(hostclientcertificate)

but it was in a separate submodule. In my case I had to add the provider in the submodule causing me the original problem and all started to work fine.

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