Dynamically Deploying Pods in Kubernetes Based on Node GPS Position or Other Real-time Characteristics

Hi all,
I’m new to this community and currently diving into the world of Kubernetes. As part of my learning journey, I’ve encountered a scenario where I need to deploy pods dynamically based on specific, dynamic characteristics of nodes, such as their GPS position. This requirement is part of a larger project aimed at optimizing resource allocation and operations based on geographical distribution and other real-time factors.

I’ve looked into Kubernetes documentation and explored concepts like node selectors, affinity/anti-affinity, and taints and tolerations, but I’m still unsure how to implement a solution that considers dynamic properties like GPS location, which can change over time or be part of custom node metadata.

Does Kubernetes support this kind of dynamic pod deployment directly, or would it require a custom controller/operator that watches for node characteristic changes and then triggers pod deployments accordingly? If anyone has experience or insights on implementing such functionality, or can point me towards relevant resources or examples, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your guidance and support.

Best regards,
Angelo T.