I have never seen a decent description of how ip-tables, kube-proxy, Ingress Controller, Service Controller and NAT/Gateway/balancer work together. How it all coexists on the node, and how the traffic reaches the container.
If you have a favorite article or illustration, please share the link.
If you want to describe it here, I would be grateful.
I wrote medium article on this last year, hope that helps.
Thanks, good article. But it’s not entirely clear to me.
WAF is a general security concept or some Google Cloud service?
Ingress is the rules executed by Ingress Controller on the master node?
Or is it done by an isolated network layer on the worker node in conjunction with ip-tables by means of kube-proxy?
Is it possible to work Ingress without an automatically created balancer?
NodePort is created for any type of service?
How does the automatically created balancer know about it?
These and similar questions arise for me on every line of the article. I am looking for something more detailed and therefore simple, but I come across articles for those who are “already in the know”.