Kubernetes version:1.30.1
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method:kubeadm
Host OS: ubuntu 22
CNI and version:
CRI and version:
Hello. I am fairly new to kubernetes and I have some troubles with installing kubernetes dashboard version 7.x.x via helm chart.
Commands used to install kubernetes dashboard:
And then i just edit the service: kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard edit svc kubernetes-dashboard-web from ClusterIP to NodePort so I can access it.
I manage to get to the UI via http://{IP}or{hostname}:30916/login but I can’t login with token. I created serviceaccount, clusterrolebind and token like in these instructions: dashboard/docs/user/access-control/creating-sample-user.md at master · kubernetes/dashboard · GitHub but i can’t log in. All I can see is an error in dashboard UI: Unknown error (200): Http failure during parsing for http://{IP}or{hostname}:30916/api/v1/csrftoken/login. I don’t see anything in kube-api server logs or anywhere else. Could you help me out?I successfuly installed kubernetes dashboard version 6.x.x. via helm chart but I really want to have the latest version. The installation for this version is quite easier (at least for me).
I ran into the same problem yesterday. Apparently Kubernetes Dashboard versions from 7.0.0 and above use Kong, a cloud-native API gateway that manages distributed applications. The new implementation of the Dashboard consists of a few microservices and Kong proxies the incoming requests to these services. That means you should expose the port of the kubernetes-dashboard-kong-proxy Service, which by default is 8443, like so:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: kubernetes-dashboard-kong-nodeport
namespace: kubernetes-dashboard
- name: kong-proxy-tls
nodePort: 32001 # Your desired port
port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 8443
app.kubernetes.io/component: app
app.kubernetes.io/instance: kubernetes-dashboard
app.kubernetes.io/name: kong
type: NodePort
I think you are trying to access via http instead of https. Try to access dashboard via https://<your_IP>:NodePort. NodePort of your kongproxy service.
I was able to make work routing using Ingress + https, but my browser didn’t accepted the certificate and the UI it’s complaining about parsing something:
Hi @Tadeu_Bernacchi, starting from version 7.0.0, it’s not possible to disable the login screen. I found this issue on their GitHub Issue#8497, which might be helpful for you.