High CPU usage for kube-proxy after a minor upgrade to kubernetes 1.31

Hi, first time posting here, so i hope i am at the right place.

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.31.2
Cloud being used: AKS
Installation method: Terraform
Host OS: Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS (AKSUbuntu-2204gen2containerd-202412.10.0)
CNI and version: calico 3.28.2
CRI and version: containerd 1.7.23-1
Kube-Proxy version: 1.31.2


I noticed a high CPU usage (~1000m per instance) of kube-proxy after upgrading the Azure Kubnetes Cluster from 1.30.6 to 1.31.2. The logs show that kube-proxy is updating the Endpoints every second.


Example: I0107 02:48:02.195767 1 endpointslicecache.go:303] "Setting endpoints for service port name" portName="test/postgres-postgres:postgresql" endpoints=[""]

It only happens for our postgres-instances which we deploy with zalando-operator. And i saw that optime.renewTime and slots also update every second on the endpoints.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
    acquireTime: "2025-01-07T08:07:07.213129+00:00"
    leader: postgres-postgres-0
    optime: "160141489064"
    renewTime: "2025-01-07T14:46:35.380109+00:00"
    retain_slots: '["postgres_postgres_0"]'
    slots: '{"postgres_postgres_0":160141489064}'
    transitions: "15"
    ttl: "30"
  creationTimestamp: "2024-12-13T07:22:52Z"
    application: spilo
    cluster-name: postgres-postgres
  name: postgres-postgres
  namespace: test
  resourceVersion: "113802184"
  uid: e8c588a1-5646-4103-b3ba-71e3a35e794f
- addresses:
  - hostname: postgres-postgres-0
    nodeName: aks-system-38846450-vmss00000o
      kind: Pod
      name: postgres-postgres-0
      namespace: test
      resourceVersion: "113582861"
      uid: b03e00d8-492a-4bb3-953d-5117cedc114c
  - name: postgresql
    port: 5432
    protocol: TCP

This issue was not a thing, or at least not visible with aks 1.30.6:
Log volume of kube-proxy
CPU Usage of kube-proxy

Is it possible to tell kube-proxy to ignore those changing annotations? or do i have to open an issue for the zalando-operator? Or is it even an issue of kube-proxy?

Thx for the help in advance!

Resolved it by enabling kubernetes_use_configmaps for patroni. It writes the annotations to configmaps now instead of the endpoints.