How to delete `local` PV automatically, keeping files

I created a local PersistentVolume.

When I set persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain, the PV hangs around until I kubectl delete it. I don’t want to have to do that: I want the PV to delete itself when it’s released. I’ll re-create it for the next pod that needs it, maybe as part of my Helm chart.

When I set persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete, it fails to delete, reason VolumeFailedDelete from persistentvolume-controller, message

error getting deleter volume plugin for volume "…": no volume plugin matched

I take this to mean that a local volume doesn’t know how to delete itself. I’d like the deletion to leave any files in place and just delete the PV.

Can I set up a nilpotent deleter for this PV/StorageClass?

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.32
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Host OS: Linux
CRI and version: CRI-O 1.32

same as