How to enable Dynamic Provisioning on Kubernetes Cluster running on AWS EC2 Instances

For at least 10 hours I have been trying to enable dynamic provisioning on my Kubernetes cluster.

Some background:

  • I am running my cluster on EC2 Instances
  • My cluster runs normally except when I try to configure Dynamic Provisioning

If I try to create a storageclass to do this automatically I get an error:
aws GetCloudProvider returned <nil> instead

If I try and use 'kubeadm init --config aws.conf with the schema from this guide Cloud Providers - Kubernetes

My kubernetes cluster gets stuck trying to initialize.

[kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed.
[kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn’t running or healthy.

I have enabled aws-cli, added my key and secret key but can’t figure out how to add AWS as a CloudProvider

I have also tried this guide

But I am also lost. Does anyone have any information on how I can get this thing working?

Sorry mate, I too had my fair share of probs with aws and this is one of those probs which I had there until I switched from them completely. Can’t help buddy on this. May be some other buddy will take it up, else you can also look for alternatives.