How to get detailed output using Kubectl --dry-run for Pod Security?

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.23
Cloud being used: AWS - EKS

I am using below command to get list of Pods that violate Pod Security Standards “Restricted” profile.
kubectl label --dry-run=server --overwrite ns test22

The output of above command.
Kubeconfig user entry is using deprecated API version Run ‘aws eks update-kubeconfig’ to update.
Warning: existing pods in namespace “test22” violate the new PodSecurity enforce level “restricted:latest”
Warning: busybox-22 (and 24 other pods): allowPrivilegeEscalation != false, unrestricted capabilities, runAsNonRoot != true, seccompProfile
Warning: prometheus-x2 (and 4 other pods): seccompProfile
Warning: DebugPod-x3: unrestricted capabilities, runAsNonRoot != true, seccompProfile
Warning: TestPod22: unrestricted capabilities, seccompProfile
namespace/dock labeled

The output in Line3(Highlighted in bold) shows that there are 24 other pods that violate the “Restricted” profile.
How do i know the names of those 24 pods?
Is there a way to get the list of all the pods in the command output??