How to modify pod(controlled by statefulset) label

Cluster information:

OCP 1.11


As shown in title, I got some pod, they were controlled by statefulset and the label on pod were wrong so I want to have to modify the label.

I tried to use kubectl label pod --overwrite=true, it’s no problem.

But when using kubectl edit sts to modify the selector, I got : Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden.

Then I use kubectl describe sts, I see the controller-manager is creating new pod (because the pod label was modified), fortunately, pod was not successfully created, I got:create pod {pod_name} in statefulset {sts_name} failed error: the post operation against pod could not be completed at this time ,please try again.

So how can i modify the pod label ?

When using a controller to deploy a pod the desired state is governed by the controller in your case the controller is a statefulset.

Changing a specific pod cannot and should not be possible to maintain version integrity on all controller replicas.
Making changes to a kubernes controller. Will always deploy new pods (always roll forward)

But the pod selector in statefulset is wrong, I need to fix them for some reason. @Theog75

is the problem: The Pod manually created and you want to make it part of the statefulset?
if so you cannot do that - in order for a Pod to be owned by a controller (STS included) it has to be created by the controller - in your case the statefulset.

Why not change the image inside the statefulset and let the statefulset deploy the pod?

No. the sts selector and pod label are both the same, but not the expected for me. eg, the sts selector and pod label are both foo:bar, but the expected are foo:balabala.