I want to Deploy Wordpress on kubernetes

I have a git repo where I developed my website.
Locally its looks cook.
I use the docker container to maintain its local visibility.
I have a yml file in my repo which help me to maintain its version in different machin.

I think I can consider Kubernetes as another machine.

so I go to my google Kubernetes > create a standard cluster > deploy my Repo as a new container image to my standard cluster (Its Give me erroe in this screec shot) > I expose an external IP as load balancer (Nothing Show up).

So What will be the proper work flow to deploy wordpress in kubernaties from git repo.

What does it say when you click ‘Show Details’ next to the ‘Pod Errors’ box? It looks like the pod is not successfully running yet.

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I get This error while Deploying.
My Repo: https://github.com/sushen/BasicSite

And what do the pod logs say?

I am manage to deploy it. Thanks for Asking.

Now I can Doploy Wordpress from my Github repo.