Ingress-nginx rate limitting

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.16.13-gke.401
Cloud being used: GKE
Installation method:
Host OS: Cos
CNI and version: ?
CRI and version: docker

Hi there !

We are currently trying to mitigate DDoS attack on one of our service.
We wanted to use the “rate limitting” feature of the ingress-nginx controller as documented over here:

The config seems to have been reloaded an applied properly

kubectl ingress-nginx conf --deployment nginx-ingress-controller -n ingress-nginx | grep -i limit_req
	limit_req_status                503;
	limit_req_zone $limit_cHJvZHVjdGlvbl9nb3ZpcnR1by1jb21fNzkyNjRlOGYtMzg0ZS00YWE2LThiMmEtNDlmMGFkNDY5MjMz zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps:5m rate=15r/s;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;
			limit_req zone=<NAMESPACE>_<INGRESS_HOST>_79264e8f-384e-4aa6-8b2a-49f0ad469233_rps burst=75 nodelay;

However, we don’t see any effectes on ou graph …

How can I know it is working properly ?

(I know it sounds more like a classic Nginx question but still, wondering if somebody here has a lead)

PS: I have already read:

Without success.

Thank you all for your time and help !
