Integration of Linux Container with Active Directory/LDAP

Can we integrate centos container either with Active Directory or LDAP ? Is it possible?

I have tried integrating the linux container with LDAP and AD, but I was unsuccessful. I have tried to integrate with AD using “net ads” and “realm join”, but it was giving me “Couldn’t connect to system bus” Error. I have tried to integrate with LDAP using ldapclient.

Appreciate the help!!

I’d recommend trying to do this just with some Linux host. Once you have it working, you can just repeat the steps in the container (docker file + yamls) and catch whatever (if anything) arises from moving it to the container world.

Does it make sense to you too? Because containers, in the end, are not different from process. If you know how to run a process that solves it, you can probably then isolate that process in a container.

Hope this helps!