Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: 1.2.6
Cloud being used: eks
Hello everyone,
I’m trying to test internalTrafficPolicy: Local and see what happens when there are available pods on the specific node:I exec into a pod on a specific node and ran the curl command:
curl micronaut-k8-sample:8080/stickiness/5 and got:
curl: (28) Failed to connect to micronaut-k8-sample port 8080 after 129261 ms: Couldn’t connect to server
(This api succeeds when running on a node that there are available pods of for service micronaut-k8-sample)
Is there a way to configure kube poxy to get the error faster? Waiting more than 2 minutes is a bit of an issue, but I also have some other http calls for that service that might need waiting when service is available, so don’t want to just define a timeout