hi I hope you’re doing well. I’m trying to create a Kubernetes cluster in Proxmox with 3 control-plane nodes and 5 worker nodes. Initially, I attempted installations using CentOS 7, Ubuntu, and Debian. Fortunately, Debian 11 worked perfectly for the first master node. After installing Kubernetes version 1.28, I verified its functionality with kubectl get pods and kubectl get nodes.
However, when I cloned the first master and tried to join the second control-plane node using the following command:
kubeadm join --token cb5p3a.oxqogyf515ifhy84
–discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:65b5e2c18ce1b01b26e725c5174b888c56be32076a3f21760a75689eaaf615a1
–control-plane --certificate-key 06c479a88ede057e79a619d23326d57c365d47ad02d4763d69ab8eed907fab81
I encountered systemD errors, which led me to suspect a DNS issue. I’ve configured DNS, but it might still be the problem. Could someone guide me on creating a Kubernetes cluster in Proxmox with 3 control-plane nodes and 5 workers?"
Feel free to ask if you need further assistance!