Issue with NGINX Ingress Controller Prometheus Metrics

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Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.17.11
Cloud being used: AKS
Installation method: HELM
Host OS: Linux

Hi All! Im struggling to configure prometheus metrics for my nginx ingress controller running in AKS and was wondering if anyone had any insight. I’ve found some documentation here: which states that “–metrics-per-host=false” should be set when the controller is deployed. I am deploying the controller through Helm and attempted to manually add “–metrics-per-host=false” to the deployment yaml but this caused a crash loop.
The documentation for this seems to be all over the place though. I found the CLI argument here: but have been unable to find it in the actual nginx documentation here:

@m33pm33p I managed to setup Prometheus based monitoring for the community NGINX Ingress Controller by following this guide.

I have reported about the missing instructions here.

Hope this would help.