Kubeadm Upgradation from 1.30.4 to 1.31.3 with new imageRepository(private) end point

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.30.4
Cloud being used: Bare Metal (On-prem)
Installation method: Kubeadm
Host OS: RHEL 8
CNI and version: Calico CNI 3.28.1
CRI and version: containerd 1.6.32

I am trying to Kubeadm Upgradation from 1.30.3 to 1.31.4 version with New private Image end point registry which is having an authentication to pull the images in to the cluster.

Steps I have Implemented in the above cluster

  1. Patch key enabled using subscription-manager command.
  2. Cleared version lock using yum package command.
  3. Enabled repos from the patch key containerd and required kubeadm version.
  4. Added new pause image(private registry) in the config.toml in the /etc/containerd/config.toml.
  5. Installed supported version of containerd version using yum.
  6. Installed cri-tools which is supported using yum.
  7. Installed targeted kubeadm version in node level using yum.
  8. Modified /var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm_env.vars with new pause image.
  9. Created secret and mapped default service account in the kube-system ns which is required to pull the images from the private image end point registry.
  10. Modified existing kubeadm-config configmap in the kube-system ns with new private image end point registry.
  11. Applied kubeadm upgrade apply 1.31.3

ERROR Message
[ERROR ImagePull]: failed to pull image private-registry-end-point/kube-apiserver:v1.31.3: failed to pull image private-registry-end-point/kube-apiserver:v1.31.3: failed to pull and unpack image “private-registry/kube-apiserver:v1.31.3”: failed to resolve reference “private-registry/kube-apiserver:v1.31.3”: failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to private-registry-end-point:443/artifactory/api/docker/docker-thirdparty-local/v2/token?scope=repository%3Adocker-thirdparty-local%2Fkube-apiserver%3Apull&scope=repository%3Akube-apiserver%3Apull&service=private-registry-end-point%3A443: 401 Unauthorized