Kubectl go-template-file supported functions

Client Version: v1.19.0 GoVersion: go1.15
Server Version: v1.28.2 GoVersion: go1.20.8


I’m trying to build a go template file that would print the pod name if pod uses particular secret.
As part of it I’m ranging over env/envFrom/volumes to check if that secret is used.

Some pods have however multiple environment variables using the same secret so the pod name is printed out several times.

I tried to put {{continue}} and {{break}} into the template but got and error:

error: error parsing template {{- range .items}}
   {{- range .spec.containers}}
      {{- range .env}}
         {{- if .valueFrom.secretKeyRef}}
            {{- if eq .valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name "my-secret"}}
               {{- .metadata.name}}{{- " - "}}{{- .valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name}}{{"\n"}}
            {{- end}}
         {{- end}}
      {{- end}}
      {{- range .envFrom}}
         {{- if .secretRef}}
            {{- if eq .secretRef.name "my-secret"}}
               {{- .metadata.name}}{{- " - "}}{{- .valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name}}{{"\n"}}
            {{- end}}
         {{- end}}
      {{- end}}
   {{- end}}
   {{- range .spec.volumes}}
      {{- if .secret }}
         {{- if eq .secret.secretName "my-secret"}}
            {{- .metadata.name}}{{- " - "}}{{- .valueFrom.secretKeyRef.name}}{{"\n"}}
         {{- end}}
      {{- end}}
   {{- end}}
{{- end}}
, template: output:7: function "break" not defined

I’m wondering if the supported functions are documented somewhere and/or if there’s a way to jump out of the range loop if the search term is found?