When the Pod resource is updated, the statement when the historical execution version is observed is always the same as when it was created. The mirrored version is updated in the status information actually seen.
There are three versions of “v1,v2,v3” in my mirror repository;And the Node can pull to it normally.
Here are the commands I executed:
kubectl run test -n test --image= --replicas=1 --record
kubectl set image -n test deploy test test=
kubectl set image -n test deploy test *=
kubectl rollout history -n test deployment test
kubectl rollout history -n test deployment/test --revision=1 >>1.yaml
kubectl rollout history -n test deployment/test --revision=3 >>3.yaml
more 1.yaml 3.yaml
- Cluster version information:
Kubernetes version: v1.15.5
Installation method: kubeadm
Host OS: CentOS 7