Kubernetes Containers are not created immediately when the master node reboots

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Cluster information: onpremise, kubeadm

Kubernetes version: 1.15.3
Cloud being used: (put bare-metal if not on a public cloud)
Installation method:
Host OS: ubuntu18.03
CNI and version: flannel
CRI and version: docker 19.03.2

Rebooting the master node always prevents the Kubernetes container from being created immediately.

Creation container fails, such as kube-apiserver or kuber-scheduler.

Then leave it on for a while, and it’s active.

i don’t understand, These are the logs of the containers we checked with docker ps -a.

Who can help me ??

Make a script auto start master node after reboot :
vi /etc/rc.local

Copy and paste:
swapoff -a
systemctl start kubelet
docker start (docker ps -a -q)* *docker start (docker ps -a -q)

Change mode:
chmod +x /etc/rc.local


Hope it can help you!