Hop on the release train for the fourth and final Kubernetes release for 2019. Release manager Guinevere Saenger joins Adam and Craig. to discuss how a classically trained pianist has a second act as a Kubernetes release team lead.
Do you have something cool to share? Some questions? Let us know:
- web: kubernetespodcast.com
- mail: kubernetespodcast@google.com
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Chatter of the week
- Craig plays the Oculus Quest:
- Adam sees a play
News of the week
- Kubernetes 1.17 is out!
- EKS on Fargate now generally available
- Azure Application Gateway ingress controller launched
- CloudBees CI/CD SaaS in preview
- Anthos is CRN’s Hybrid Cloud product of the year
- Troubleshooting Deployments by Daniele Polencic
- Building large Kubernetes clusters at LINE
- CNCF TOC structure and elections
- uSwitch case study
- Making audit logging a viable practice again by Nitzan Niv
Links from the interview
- Collaborative piano
Ada Developers Academy
- (The LSAT is the Law School Admission Test)
- Ruby on Rails
- Samsung SDS Cloud Native Computing Team
- Kubernetes at GitHub
- GitHub Metal Cloud
- #hugops
- SIG Contributor Experience
- Episode 46, with Aaron Crickenberger
- Guinevere speaking at KubeCon about new contributions
- “Complaning about how hard it was to contribute” led to the Contributors Guide
- Episode 10, with Josh Berkus and Tim Pepper
- Kubernetes 1.17 enhancement tracking sheet
- Poor old sidecar containers slipped again
- KubeCon 2019 NA Contributors’ Summit
- 1.17 release team
- Release team shadow program
- Release engineering
- Guinevere Saenger on Twitter
Original Source: https://kubernetespodcast.com/episode/083-kubernetes-1.17/