Bryan Liles is a Senior Staff Engineer at VMware, the program co-chair for this week’s KubeCon EU, a sought-after speaker, and a minority in an industry with few people who look like him. He shares his story with Craig and Adam, who also bring you the week’s news from KubeCon EU and beyond.
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Chatter of the week
News of the week
- VMware acquires Bitnami and Bitnami is acquired by VMware
- Knative 0.6 is out
- GKE Sandbox: bring defense in depth to your pods
- Stackdriver Kubernetes Monitoring is GA
- Helm 3 preview
- GKE announces Release Channels
- Windows Server containers in Preview:
- Bring your own subnet to AKS
- Lyft bug bounty program
- Velero 1.0
- Digital Ocean Kubernetes is GA
- Kubernetes apps on GCP Marketplace
- Terraform Cloud Remote State Management
- CNCF adds 42 new members
- Cloud Native Logging with Fluentd
- OpenTracing + OpenCensus = OpenTelemetry
- OpenEBS joins the CNCF
- Lightning round:
- Harbor 1.8
- Supergiant Kubernetes Toolkit 2.1.0
- Ambassador 0.7
- Mirantis BYOD
- MiniKF from Arrikto
- Gravity 6.0
- Cloud 66 Maestro enhancements
- k8up from VSHN