Kubernetes wireguard flannel overlay network on VMs blocked by kubefirewall


I’m wondering if anyone has been able to get Kubernetes running properly over the Wireguard VPN.
I created a 2 node cluster on 2 VM’s linked by wireguard. The master node with the full control plane works fine and can accept worker nodes over the wireguard interface. I set the nodeip for kubelet to the wireguard ip and also set the iface argument for flannel to use the wireguard interface instead of the default. This seems to work well so far.

The problem arises when I try to join the worker node into the cluster via the join command.
Note that I also edited the node ip of kubelet to be the wireguard ip on the worker node.

On join all traffic to the node is dropped by the “Kubernetes Firewall”. By the kubernetes firewall I mean if you check iptables after issuing the join command on the worker node you will see KUBE-FIREWALL which drops all marked packets. The firewall is standard as its the same on the master but I presume that the piece I’m missing is what to do to get traffic flowing on the worker node after joining to the master node.

I’m unable to even ping google.com or communicate with the master over the Wireguard tunnel. Pods can’t be scheduled either. I have manually deleted the KUBE-FIREWALL rule as a test which then allows pods to be scheduled and regular traffic to flow on the worker node but Kubelet will quickly recreate the rule after around a minute.

I’m thinking a route needs to be created before the join or something along those lines.
Has anyone tried this before would really appreciate any suggestions for this.

After getting some help I figured out that the issue was Wiregaurd related. Specifically when running wg-quick as a service which apparently creates an ip rule that routes ALL outgoing traffic via wg0 interface, except WG background secured channel. This causes issues when trying to connect a worker to a cluster and so simply manually creating and starting the wg0 interface with something like the below will work:

ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
ip addr add dev wg0
wg addconf wg0 /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
ip link set wg0 up

Hello, brother, I have encountered the same problem as you, and I have been looking for the answer. How did you finally solve it? Can you write a detailed document and send it to me? I may be very unfamiliar with iptables. You can send it. My mailbox is chenl2448365088@gmail.com, thank you