Manage multiple kubectl port-forward in the menu bar

hey everyone,

just wanted to share something i’ve been working on… kftray is a cross-platform open-source app developed to simplify managing multiple kubectl port forwards

this app is a lightweight menu bar GUI app and is built with Tauri - Rust for the backend and TypeScript for the frontend.

kftray’s got all the port forwarding stuff you’d expect from kubectl, plus a few neat extras:

  • auto-reconnect for stable connections
  • set up multiple port forwards in one click
  • works directly with the Kubernetes API
  • supports TCP and UDP via an server proxy relay
  • handles proxying port-forwards to any IP or hostname you can reach inside your Kubernetes cluster.
  • manage configurations using a local JSON file or Git integration.

check it out :

i’d really appreciate any feedback or ideas to improve the app.
