I have a working work-around
Well, I gave up trying to persist the grafana.db.
Using MySQL
Please Note: This is for educational use only; I offer nor inply any guarantees
I already have MySQL running in three different namespaces, so I configured Grafana to use one of those.
I will do my best to document it here if someone else wants to try.
Please Note: I changed some values to protect the innocent.
I’m also using an alias of kubectrl → k
Grafana lives in the observability namespace, and there is an instance of MySQL server in each of the following namespaces:
- mynamespace-dev
- mynamespace-uat
- mynamespace-prod
I did not want another instance of MySQL running; it is possible to create a service (ExternalName) in one namespace that can talk to another service in another namespace.
Does this break the idea of Namespace isolation?
External Service
Create a service of the type ExternalName in the observability namespace, then in the spec:externalName, reference the service in the other namespace.
This will use the DNS server to connect to the service in the other namespace.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mysql
namespace: observability
app: mysql
externalName: mysql.mynamespace-uat.svc.cluster.local
- port: 3306
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 3306
sessionAffinity: None
type: ExternalName
Start this service.
Edit Grafana ConfigMap.
List your config maps and find the Grafana one.
k get configmaps -n observability
Of course, you can edit the config map in place. However, I prefer to save my work as a YAML so I can rerun it later if needed.
k get configmaps kube-prom-stack-grafana -n observability -o yaml
I copy the output and paste into a text editor
Add the database section
type = "mysql"
host = "mysql"
name = "grafana"
user = "mysqluser"
password = """k******gk"""
type = "mysql" # Either `mysql` , `postgres` or `sqlite3` , it’s your choice.
host = "mysql" # Name of the ExternalName service you just created
name = "grafana" # Name of the database in MySQL
user = "mysqluser" #MySQL User
password = """k******gk""" #MySQL UserPassword
Save config and apply
You must create the database and grant access before restarting Grafana
In MySQL console, create data and grant access. If you do not have these two things in place the Grafana deployment will fail to restart.
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON grafana.* TO 'mysqluser'@'%';
Restart Deployment
Now we have the service in place, and updated the Grafana config map to use MySQL.
!important, Created grafana database and granted access to the user in MySQL.
Time to restart grafana
When you switch the database store, you will start with a default database, no users except admin, and no custom dashboards will be carried over.
kubectl rollout restart deployment kube-prom-stack-grafana -n observability
Refresh the Web page for Grafana, and you should now see a fresh Grafana instance.
If you go back into MySQL, the Grafana tables should now be created with default values.
To save you port forwarding, here is my Ingress for Grafana
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod
name: connect-analytics
namespace: observability
- host: analytics.<yourdomain.com>
- pathType: Prefix
path: /
name: kube-prom-stack-grafana
number: 80
- hosts:
- analytics.<yourdomain.com>
secretName: analytics.<yourdomain.com>-cert