No operators from catalog in KMM

I am trying to install a simple operator[1] in Redhat OCP. After installing with oc apply -f kmm-og.yaml, I get the following error [2].

It seems that the operator was not found. But after trying to get packagemanifests, I have the kernel-module-management, but not redhat-operator [3].

Unfortunately, I can’t query modules [4]

What should I do to fix this?

[1] kmm-og.yaml

kind: OperatorGroup
  name: kernel-module-management
  namespace: openshift-kmm

[2] Error after installing kernel-module-management.

kubectl describe sub kernel-module-management -n  openshift-kmm

  Last Transition Time:  2024-02-23T12:57:28Z
  Message:               targeted catalogsource openshift-marketplace/redhat-operators missing
  Reason:                UnhealthyCatalogSourceFound
  Status:                True
  Type:                  CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
  Message:               constraints not satisfiable: no operators found from catalog redhat-operators in namespace openshift-marketplace referenced by subscription kernel-module-management, subscription kernel-module-management exists
Reason:                ConstraintsNotSatisfiable
Status:                True
Type:                  ResolutionFailed

[3] Package manifests

NAME                          CATALOG   AGE
ptp-operator                            43d
kubernetes-nmstate-operator             43d
self-node-remediation                   43d
lvms-operator                           43d
kernel-module-management                43d
metallb-operator                        43d
odf-operator                            43d
local-storage-operator                  43d
ocs-operator                            43d
sriov-network-operator                  43d
cluster-logging                         43d
compliance-operator                     43d
odf-csi-addons-operator                 43d
cincinnati-operator                     43d
file-integrity-operator                 43d
mcg-operator                            43d

[4] Query to modules

kubectl get -o
error: the server doesn't have a resource type "modules"