Nodeport stopped working suddenly

I have set up an nginx ingress controller and ingress resource to expose kubernetes dashboard. I also have another very basic test service running without any ingress controller. Both this and kubernetes dashboard with ingress controller are exposed as NodePort.

When I first set this up I could access the nodeports using one of the node’sIP:nodeport socket but all of the sudden I can not reach them. Even the ports are not listening now. I can access them from with the cluster still. Is there any reason why would this happen and how to narrow down on the problem?

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: Client version: 1.30.5, Server version: 1.28.14

Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method: kubeadm
Host OS: Ubuntu 22.04
CNI and version: cilium-cli: v0.16.19
cilium image (default): v1.16.2
cilium image (stable): v1.16.3
cilium image (running): 1.14.0
CRI and version: containerd 1.7.12

Thank you!

Try to it as follows.

  1. You can testing nodeport with telnet of tools on the all nodes whether can be reach (eg: telnet <node_ip>:)
  2. Check kube-proxy logs of the clusters