Nodes are flapping with error PLEG is not healthy: PLEG was last seen active 3m.6314604s ago, threshold is 3m0s This issue is coming only in 2 nodes out of 18 nodes

Nodes are flapping with error PLEG is not healthy: PLEG was last seen active 3m.6314604s ago, threshold is 3m0s This issue is coming only in 2 nodes out of 18 nodes

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.20.14
Cloud being used: (put bare-metal if not on a public cloud) :- Bare-metal
Installation method: Offline Manual installation
Host OS: RHEL 8
CNI and version: v1.0.1 & flannel(v0.16.3)

CRI and version: 1.4.4 (1.0.0-rc93)
Only 2 nodes are flapping rest all nodes also have same versioning and are stable.