Hear ye, hear ye! The third Wednesday of the month his upon us, that means it’s time for the Kubernetes Office Hours, our monthly livestream where we have a panel of experts as many of your Kubernetes questions as they can.
Feel free to hang out in #office-hours on slack.k8s.io and start queuing up your questions or post it here. As always when the livecasts are done we’ll post the notes here! Feel free to click through to the youtube session and subscribe to get a notification when we go live.
As always we’ll be giving away Kubernetes tshirts during the stream so make sure you drop on by!
EU Edition
Notes for this session
Trying to figure out the CentOS/iptables issue:
- https://twitter.com/thockin/status/1171143481001009152
- Container-Optimized OS from Google documentation | Google Cloud
- Proposal: nftables backend for kube-proxy · Issue #62720 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub
- kube-proxy currently incompatible with `iptables >= 1.8` · Issue #71305 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub
- https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/82966
- kube-proxy currently incompatible with `iptables >= 1.8` · Issue #71305 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub
- Add instructions for switching to iptables-legacy by praseodym · Pull Request #16271 · kubernetes/website · GitHub
- Security bulletins | Anthos clusters | Google Cloud
- community/sig-network at master · kubernetes/community · GitHub
- kube-proxy currently incompatible with `iptables >= 1.8` · Issue #71305 · kubernetes/kubernetes · GitHub
Security benchmarking:
- GitHub - aquasecurity/kube-bench: Checks whether Kubernetes is deployed according to security best practices as defined in the CIS Kubernetes Benchmark
- https://sonobuoy.io/
- /en/docs/sysdig-secure/posture/compliance/legacy-versions/benchmarks-legacy/
- GitHub - aquasecurity/kube-hunter: Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters
- GitHub - bridgecrewio/checkov: Prevent cloud misconfigurations and find vulnerabilities during build-time in infrastructure as code, container images and open source packages with Checkov by Bridgecrew.
- Contribute to K8s docs | Kubernetes
- Intro: Contributor Experience SIG - Jorge Castro, VMware & Bob Killen, University of Michigan - YouTube
- community/sig-docs at master · kubernetes/community · GitHub
- Argo Rollouts - Kubernetes Progressive Delivery Controller
- https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/design-proposals/service-catalog/pod-preset.md
- Warning: Helpful Warnings Ahead | Kubernetes
- https://twitter.com/PopcastPop
- Moving Forward From Beta | Kubernetes
- API Priority and Fairness Alpha | Kubernetes
- https://relnotes.k8s.io/