Hi Team,
i’m Surya a master thesis student doing my research on which orchestration tool is better for container run time application in an air gapped env for robotic industrial plant .
Since the robots stay at fixed place and are meant do to only certain tasks, we don’t expose any services to external world for few security reasons, that means no internet access, all applications run on legacy systems with images pre built in local repo ! number of containers and load on the servers are also predictable .
Our applications are meant to do fixed amount of tasks on a containers with less latency and should not cross deadlines(time critical application).
i created docker swarm cluster and ran rt-app container (GitHub - scheduler-tools/rt-app: rt-app emulates typical mobile and real-time systems use cases and gives runtime information) on worker node and pulled the logs. did the same thing via kubernetes.
i’m completely shocked to see the results that, Docker swarm container has anAVG latency of 55.8 and kubernetes has 261.5
The over all run time of application / efficiency of job created inside the container via docker swarm is better than kubernetes.!
is it true what i found and also if i’m not wrong docker swarm containers consume less resources compare to kubernetes.! where else docker swarm is better or kubernetes is better in my business requirement.! It just seems for my requirement docker swarm is better.! just wanted to know if my understanding is in right. i’m open minded and any inputs helpful for my research and increase my understanding for better