Pods getting evicted due to The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage

I see that pods are getting evicted due to ephemeral storage but when i looked at the nodes, has sufficient disk availability.

Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1        9983232 6479112   3487736  66% /

Following is the exact message from evicted pod

The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage. Container nginx was using 228Ki, which exceeds its request of 0. Container istio-proxy was using 680Ki, which exceeds its request of 0.


I have the exact same issue. No solutions to this yet ?

Is /dev/sda1 the only partition?
Is that definitely the worker node where the pods were running?
Was it just that pod that was evicted?
Could there have been another pod that was filling the disk and also got evicted?
Not sure how useful these questions are 29 days later :thinking: