PVC status Terminating (was accicdentally deleted) on k3s (no etcd)


I have one PersistentVolumeClaim with status Terminating since I accidentally executed the delete command.

awx-projects-claim Terminating pvc-f56399e7-fa07-42af-8251-6c2d20c19b2a 8Gi RWO local-path 292d

Somewhere I found a solution with a go program. But that depends on etcd which is not used in my environment.

How can I resolve this?

What happens if I restart the k3s environment?
Is manual intervention needed in that case??

Regards Hans

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: k3s v1.21.5+k3s1
Cloud being used: bare-metal
Installation method:
Host OS: RHEL 7.9

Did you find the solution?
I am facing same situation except microk8s.

I got pvc on pv list as follows. (weird)
pvc-4a0887b5-d5c8-4563-801f-d7f31ec5d3db 20Gi RWX Delete Terminating container-registry/registry-claim microk8s-hostpath 85d

I solved this issue with this.