Question about egress network policy

Hi guys

I have a question about egress network policy: I have a /29 available to me, i am using metallb to distribute those IP’s

In the pool are the ranges 152-155 and 240 is my primary ip. I am using as a VPN solution. This has its services exposed via metallb on ip 154, however when i connect as a client to the vpn server on 154, the public ip of the client becomes 240 when i was expecting it to be 154

Is this something kubernetes network policy can help me with?

Is the firewall setup to handle forwarding traffic to the .154? Does it even know about the VPN service?

You may want to consider looking into Netris which does all of this FW/LB/VPN automatically based on your k8s deployments.

Disclaimer: I work for Netris.