Cluster DNS:
|Object |Host name |Name space |type|Root |IP address |
|Service|Web-service (Service name)|my-namespace|svc |cluster.local||
|Pod |10-24-5-2 ( Pod ip separated by -)|dev |pod |cluster.local| |
curl http://web-service.apps.svc.cluster.local
hostname.namespace.type. cluster.local
ex1: kubectl exec -it myapp-pod-2 nslookup 10-38-0-1.default.pod.cluster.local
ex2: kubectl exec -it myapp-pod-2 nslookup my-service.default.svc.cluster.local
Issue: nslookup for service/pod working when I use busybox:1.28, when i use any other image dns lookup not showing for service and Pod?
And does the jump pod have to be created before the desired service and Pod created ? or other way ?