Service type LoadBalancer changes IP after deleteing and recreating

Kubernetes version: 1.28
I have a service (dovecot) and want port 110 it to be exposed.
I tried Service type LoadBalancer - worked - I could connect to the external IP port 110
But if I delete the service and recrate it - I get the next IP from the external-pool.
Defining an IP with loadBalancerIP is ignored - externalIPs adds the wanted IP to the external IPs but gets no connection.

is this normal?

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mda-srv-ext
  namespace: mail
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: mda
  - name: pop3
    protocol: TCP
    port: 110
    targetPort: 110

Regards … Kim

The IP assigned is intended to be assigned by the LB controller, so it’s not surprising to get a different one (in fact it would be surprising to get the sane one).

The loadBalancerIP API docs say “This field will be ignored if the cloud-provider does not support the feature.” My guess is that your LB provider doesn’t support it.

The externalIPs API requires YOU to set up the LB and route traffic to nodes. It just tells the nodes to accept and send that traffic to your service. It’s almost certainly NOT what you want to use.