K8s API calls (e.g. to list nodes) made on my worker nodes are getting limited to just 5 per second. I assume this is because of the defaults in the kube-proxy config file (api/v1/nodes/gke-crdb-pool-82fbf090-t789/proxy/configz):
"kubeAPIQPS": 5,
"kubeAPIBurst": 10,
I’ve looked in a lot of places, tried a lot of things, but can’t seem to figure out how to override these defaults when creating a GKE K8s cluster (using node pools). Any help would be much appreciated. I’m a K8s beginner, so apologies if I haven’t used right terminology or included enough information to understand my problem. Let me know if I need to add more.
Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: v1.15.5
Cloud being used: GCP