Spring Boot Microservices Kubernetes - Config Server Issue connect timed out

I have a problem to run all deployment.yaml files on Kubernetes.

Firstly, I started with running minikube and opened its dashboard through all these commands shown below.

    minikube start
    minikube dashboard

After I running this command kubectl apply -f k8s and waiting a certain amount of time, some services containing auth service, cloud gateway, payment service, product service and lastly order service throw this error in the log shown below.

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://config-server-svc:9296/API-GATEWAY/default": connect timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://config-server-svc:9296/ORDER-SERVICE/default": connect timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://config-server-svc:9296/PAYMENT-SERVICE/default": connect timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://config-server-svc:9296/PRODUCT-SERVICE/default": connect timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out

Caused by: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException: I/O error on GET request for "http://config-server-svc:9296/AUTH-SERVICE/default": connect timed out; nested exception is java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out

How can I fix it?

Here is the repo : Link

Here is docker hub : Link

Here is the config repo : Link