Staying Ahead of K8s Real Attacks - Webinar 29/2 9am ET

Are you ready to elevate your Kubernetes security management game?

NEXT WEEK: Join KTrust’s CTO Nadav Aharon-Nov to learn how to stay ahead of K8s attacks.

Here’s what you can expect from this session:
:closed_lock_with_key: Discover how to build a resilient K8s exposure management system
:bulb: Best practices for building resilience in your Kubernetes environment
:construction: Overcoming common challenges to stay ahead of evolving threats
:mag: Explore the features and benefits of KTrust

:date: Date: Thursday, February 29
:alarm_clock: Time: 9:00am ET / 4:00pm IDT

:round_pushpin: Where: Zoom
:arrow_right: Register here: LinkedIn