New Cluster API Provider Hetzner released
We at Syself are proud to announce are new release of our Cluster AP Provider Hetzner.
The Cluster API Provider Hetzner (CAPH) provides a way to declaratively create and manage infrastructure on Hetzner, in a Kubernetes-native way. It extends the Kubernetes API with Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) allowing you to interact with clusters in the same fashion you interact with workload.
The Cluster API Provider Hetzner is independently maintained by Syself and the community. It is not an official Hetzner project.
Highlights of v1.0.0-beta.41
When provisioning bare-metal servers, you will notice a faster provisioning process. We now perform two reboots instead of three to provision the machine. The first reboot enters the rescue system, then we install the machine image and cloud-init data, and then we reboot to the real operating system. Before this release, there was a reboot between installing the image and installing cloud-init data.
The install-image process (bare-metal only) was run synchronously up to now. When you ran the controller without concurrent reconcile, the whole caph controller was not reacting to events for roughly two minutes. With this caph release, the install-image process on the new bare-metal machine is a non-blocking operation.
The Singapore location (only hcloud, not bare-metal) and ap-southeast Network Zone are supported now. Thanks to @apricote!