Unable to pull docker image from artifactory which is setup on k8s

Cluster information:

Kubernetes version: 1.26
Cloud being used: (put bare-metal if not on a public cloud) : on prem
Installation method: k8s
Host OS: RHEL8
CNI and version:3.25
CRI and version: 1.9.4

I uploaded some docker images on my artifactory but while pulling I am geting below error.
Note: Please note that artifactory is deployed on k8s cluster.

ERROR: The certificate of ‘docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com’ is not trusted.
ERROR: The certificate of ‘docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com’ hasn’t got a known issuer.
pinging container registry artifactory.mydomain.com: unknown: Not Found

error from pod when trying to creeate

Warning Failed kubelet Failed to pull image " docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com/awx-ee:latest": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: Get https:// docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com/v2/ https://docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com/v2/ tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate is valid for ingress.local, not docker-repo.artifactory.mydomain.com

I already setup wildcard tls on artifactory and it looks good, also I setup ingress default cert and that is also look good but not sure why I am geting this error.

can someone help me on this ?

Dinesh K.