I’ve followed every step under Certificate Signing Requests | Kubernetes but I’m getting the following error when attempting to authenticate:
Unable to connect to the server: tls: failed to find any PEM data in certificate input
I’ve verified that the certificate value at status.certificate in the approved/issued csr is the same value that’s in client-certificate-data.
$ kubectl get csr ken
ken 38m kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client kubernetes-admin Approved,Issued
What am I missing here?
Cluster information:
Kubernetes version: 1.19.2
Cloud being used: Virtualbox
Installation method: kubeadm
Host OS: Ubuntu 20.04
CNI and version: calico v3.17.1
I ended up fixing this by manually editing my kube config and replacing the value in client-certificate-data with the string in status.certificate
. I’m thinking the crt file the I created with the contents of the certificate needed to be in PEM format and wasn’t.
For posterity:
Creating a new user on a pure Kubernetes 1.19.2 cluster:
Step 1 Create private key
openssl genrsa -out ken.key 2048
Step 2 Create CSR
openssl req -new -key ken.key -out ken.csr -subj "/CN=ken"
Step 3 Create Kubernetes certificate
Get the csr request in base64 and replace it in /vagrant/ubuntu/user/csr.yaml.orig
with a new file /vagrant/ubuntu/user/csr.yaml.generated
Then run kubectl apply -f /vagrant/ubuntu/user/csr.yaml.generated
Step 4 Approve CSR
kubectl certificate approve ken
Step 5 Create Namespace
kubectl create ns ken
Step 5 Create Role
kubectl create -f /vagrant/ubuntu/user/role.yaml
Step 6 Create Role Binding
kubectl create -f /vagrant/ubuntu/user/rolebinding.yaml
Step 7 Download Certificate
kubectl get csr/ken -o jsonpath="{.status.certificate}"
to /vagrant/ubuntu/user/ken.crt
Step 8 Create User
kubectl config set-credentials ken --client-key=/vagrant/ubuntu/user/ken.key --client-certificate=/vagrant/ubuntu/user/ken.crt --embed-certs=true
Replace the contents of client-certificate-data
in ~/.kube/config with the string from Step 7
Step 8 Create Context
kubectl config set-context ken --cluster=kubernetes --user=ken
Step 9 Text Context
kubectl config use-context ken
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