When installing fluentd with helm, error occurs 'Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)'

I try to install fluentd with helm in k8s. But when i install, error occurs ‘Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)’. All k8s object related elasticsearch and fluentd is in same namespace efk.

curl to Elasticsearch cluster in curlimage pod in same namespace

$ curl --cacert ca.crt -u elastic:xxxx https://elasticsearch-master:9200
  "name" : "elasticsearch-master-0",
  "cluster_name" : "elasticsearch",
  "cluster_uuid" : "3VGn0y_bRDmwWLj-jGgq5g",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "8.5.1",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "docker",
    "build_hash" : "c1310c45fc534583afe2c1c03046491efba2bba2",
    "build_date" : "2022-11-09T21:02:20.169855900Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "9.4.1",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "7.17.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "7.0.0"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

fluentd values.yaml

kind: "Deployment"

# variant: elasticsearch7 # >> default

replicaCount: 1

    - name: "forwarder"
      protocol: TCP
      containerPort: 24224

- name: elasticsearch-certs
    secretName: elasticsearch-master-certs
    defaultMode: 0777
- name: elasticsearch-certs
  mountPath: /etc/fluent/certs
  readOnly: true

  01_sources.conf: |-
      @type forward
      @label @KUBERNETES
      port 24224
      @log_level debug

  02_filters.conf: |-
    <label @KUBERNETES>
      <match **>
        @type relabel
        @label @OUTPUT

  04_outputs.conf: |-
    <label @OUTPUT>
      <match **>
        @type elasticsearch
        host elasticsearch-master
        schema https
        port 9200
        path ""
        user elastic
        password u6g7fHaIM1JDth1m
        ca_file /etc/fluent/certs/ca.crt
        client_cert /etc/fluent/certs/tls.crt
        client_key /etc/fluent/certs/tls.key
        @log_level debug

fluentd logs

2023-10-05 07:36:32 +0000 [info]: init supervisor logger path=nil rotate_age=nil rotate_size=nil
2023-10-05 07:36:32 +0000 [info]: parsing config file is succeeded path="/fluentd/etc/../../../etc/fluent/fluent.conf"
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluentd' version '1.16.2'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-concat' version '2.5.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-dedot_filter' version '1.0.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions' version '0.0.15'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-elasticsearch' version '5.2.5'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-grok-parser' version '2.6.2'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-json-in-json-2' version '1.0.2'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter' version '3.2.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser' version '1.0.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-parser-cri' version '0.1.1'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-prometheus' version '2.1.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-record-modifier' version '2.1.1'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter' version '2.4.0'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-systemd' version '1.0.5'
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'host elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'index_name fluentd' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'index_name: fluentd' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'template_name ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'template_name: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_prefix logstash' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_prefix: logstash' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' has timestamp placeholders, but chunk key 'time' is not configured
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'deflector_alias ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'deflector_alias: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'application_name default' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'application_name: default' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'ilm_policy_id logstash-policy' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'ilm_policy_id: logstash-policy' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: Need substitution: false
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [debug]: 'host_placeholder elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host_placeholder: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: using configuration file: <ROOT>
  <label @FLUENT_LOG>
    <match **>
      @type null
      @id ignore_fluent_logs
    @type forward
    @label @KUBERNETES
    bind ""
    port 24224
    @log_level "debug"
  <label @KUBERNETES>
    <match **>
      @type relabel
      @label @OUTPUT
  <label @DISPATCH>
    <filter **>
      @type prometheus
        name fluentd_input_status_num_records_total
        type counter
        desc The total number of incoming records
          tag ${tag}
          hostname ${hostname}
    <match **>
      @type relabel
      @label @OUTPUT
  <label @OUTPUT>
    <match **>
      @type elasticsearch
      host "elasticsearch-master"
      schema https
      port 9200
      path ""
      user "elastic"
      password xxxxxx
      ca_file "/etc/fluent/certs/ca.crt"
      client_cert "/etc/fluent/certs/tls.crt"
      client_key "/etc/fluent/certs/tls.key"
      @log_level "debug"
2023-10-05 07:36:35 +0000 [info]: starting fluentd-1.16.2 pid=7 ruby="3.1.4"
2023-10-05 07:36:36 +0000 [info]: spawn command to main:  cmdline=["/usr/local/bin/ruby", "-Eascii-8bit:ascii-8bit", "/fluentd/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/bin/fluentd", "-c", "/fluentd/etc/../../../etc/fluent/fluent.conf", "-p", "/fluentd/plugins", "--gemfile", "/fluentd/Gemfile", "-r", "/fluentd/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.1.0/gems/fluent-plugin-elasticsearch-5.2.5/lib/fluent/plugin/elasticsearch_simple_sniffer.rb", "--under-supervisor"]
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: #0 init worker0 logger path=nil rotate_age=nil rotate_size=nil
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: adding match in @FLUENT_LOG pattern="**" type="null"
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: adding match in @KUBERNETES pattern="**" type="relabel"
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: adding filter in @DISPATCH pattern="**" type="prometheus"
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: adding match in @DISPATCH pattern="**" type="relabel"
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [info]: adding match in @OUTPUT pattern="**" type="elasticsearch"
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'host elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'index_name fluentd' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'index_name: fluentd' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'template_name ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'template_name: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'logstash_prefix logstash' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_prefix: logstash' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' has timestamp placeholders, but chunk key 'time' is not configured
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'deflector_alias ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'deflector_alias: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'application_name default' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'application_name: default' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'ilm_policy_id logstash-policy' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'ilm_policy_id: logstash-policy' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 Need substitution: false
2023-10-05 07:36:37 +0000 [debug]: #0 'host_placeholder elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host_placeholder: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:36:39 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)
2023-10-05 07:36:39 +0000 [warn]: #0 Remaining retry: 14. Retry to communicate after 2 second(s).
2023-10-05 07:36:42 +0000 [info]: Received graceful stop
2023-10-05 07:36:43 +0000 [warn]: #0 Could not communicate to Elasticsearch, resetting connection and trying again. EOFError (EOFError)
2023-10-05 07:36:43 +0000 [warn]: #0 Remaining retry: 13. Retry to communicate after 4 second(s).

I am using the self-signed certificate generated by Elastic Search helm chart, so I set the ca, but I think I did something wrong there.

I accessed the Pod and read the mounted certificate file and found that it exists.

When I modify variant in fluentd values.yaml to elasticsearch8, error logs like below and then repeat:

2023-10-05 07:43:39 +0000 [info]: init supervisor logger path=nil rotate_age=nil rotate_size=nil
2023-10-05 07:43:39 +0000 [info]: parsing config file is succeeded path="/fluentd/etc/../../../etc/fluent/fluent.conf"
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluentd' version '1.16.2'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-concat' version '2.5.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-dedot_filter' version '1.0.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-detect-exceptions' version '0.0.15'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-elasticsearch' version '5.3.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-grok-parser' version '2.6.2'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-json-in-json-2' version '1.0.2'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-kubernetes_metadata_filter' version '3.2.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-multi-format-parser' version '1.0.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-parser-cri' version '0.1.1'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-prometheus' version '2.1.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-record-modifier' version '2.1.1'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-rewrite-tag-filter' version '2.4.0'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: gem 'fluent-plugin-systemd' version '1.0.5'
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'host elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'index_name fluentd' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'index_name: fluentd' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'template_name ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'template_name: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_prefix logstash' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_prefix: logstash' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' has timestamp placeholders, but chunk key 'time' is not configured
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'logstash_dateformat %Y.%m.%d' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'logstash_dateformat: %Y.%m.%d' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'deflector_alias ' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'deflector_alias: ' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'application_name default' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'application_name: default' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'ilm_policy_id logstash-policy' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'ilm_policy_id: logstash-policy' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: Need substitution: false
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [debug]: 'host_placeholder elasticsearch-master' is tested built-in placeholder(s) but there is no valid placeholder(s). error: Parameter 'host_placeholder: elasticsearch-master' doesn't have tag placeholder
2023-10-05 07:43:41 +0000 [info]: using configuration file: <ROOT>
  <label @FLUENT_LOG>
    <match **>
      @type null
      @id ignore_fluent_logs